Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hayden Turned 5

Holy cow my little boy turned five in December!! He sure has a kind heart and loves giving hugs. He is not afraid to try anything new. We just went sledding not to long ago and he wasn't even scared going up to the top of the hill. He even fell off the first time and so we just told him to hold on tighter and then he had the sledding thing down. He loves laughing and teasing. He is always concerned for his baby sister and looks after her and then he looks up to his big sister. He has the rosiest cheeks and blondest hair. His favorite food is pizza which doesn't surprise me but the boy can put down four pieces of pizza. Sometimes I wonder if I should tell him that is enough but then I think well he is a growing boy. These last five years have sure gone by fast. I wanted to share some pics over the years of him.


Dori Kennedy said...

Margaret, How cute is Hayden!!!! I've loved watching him grow with the pictures you post and they have made me laugh so many days with that cute darling grin he has. I can't believe he is 5. My where is time going? Love you guys.

Becky and John said...

Oh my gosh! How cute is he and always has been. We can't believe he is five also. We have always loved his loving and funny ways. We'll always remember him introducing us to his friend when he was only 2-3 yrs.old. And he did so well. He's such a precious little growing boy. Love to all, Aunt Becky and Uncle John

O's World said...

So darling! I cannot believe he's 5!!!!!

Jeremy said...

Hayden my little buddy! What an awesome joy it is to be your uncle! He so full of love and life and joy. We love you little buddy!!!
From your uncle "Nerm" =)

Becky and John said...

I went to show Uncle John the videos and it came up with a caption of 'not working right now, try later' - which we will. I want him to see those two darling children. The one of Hayden is sooooo funny. Love to all,
