Saturday, November 14, 2009

The First Week of Work

Ok, so it wasn't bad. I thought it actually was going to be much harder. What helped is Shayla is doing great with the babysitter. So if she is doing good I am doing good. She is taking the bottle great and likes this nipple that the babysitter has and so now I am on the hunt for this nipple. I might have to order it online. I go to see her at lunch which helps ALOT. I don't know if she notices that I am gone but I need that time to see her at lunch. The pumping has been going good and I get about three bottles a day. So so far I have had enough breast milk and it looks like I won't need to supplement. Thank goodness.

The weather here is getting cold. Got down to 19 degrees last night. I think the stressful times of being busy are approaching. We are going to be busy for the next few weekends. I feel the anxiety hitting already. It feels like I have so much to do so little time. I guess I need to keep reminding myself I am not alone. Hayden and Kaelynn are doing great in school. If only we could keep the germs away. Kaelynn got an ear infection and is trying to fight that off. Kaelynn and I are seeing the Midnight Premier of New Moon next week. So excited!!!


O's World said...

I'm so glad you posted, I've been thinking about you a lot. I'm glad it wasn't so bad! You're amazing, I knew you'd do great! I wish we were there to go to New Moon with you and Kaelynn!!

Dori Kennedy said...

Shayla is such a doll. Sounds like life is going better for you just super busy.

Becky and John said...

So glad your first week went well. I knew it would. Babies are sometimes more resilient that us parents. Good work though Margaret in all your doing with and for your little family. We love ya! The pictures are darling and Shayla is such a cutie. Keep 'em coming as you get the time. We know you're very busy espec. this time of year.
Love, Aunt Becky
